Searching the English-Language Internet

Kevin S. Hawkins

Russian version (Поиск информации в англоязычных ресурсах Интернета) translated by Nadya Dich.

This page explains some strategies for searching for information on the English-language Internet. It focuses on freely available sources in English, especially the USA. There are some online tutorials on searching the web that you might want to consult in addition to this page—for example, Learning About Searching.

When searching the Internet, you should use many of the same strategies you would use when searching a library or bookstore. I would group your likely information needs into four categories:

  1. Bibliographic searches (searching for a book, film, or other work by author/creator, title, or possibly other information)
  2. Linguistic reference queries
  3. General subject searches
  4. Specific queries

Bibliographic searches

If you know information about a particular item and want to locate it or learn more about it, there are a number of options:

Linguistic reference queries

General subject searches

Specific queries

For any more specific query, you'll want to type words directly into a search engine.

You might also consider submitting your question to an Internet "question and answer" service.